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  • 220 North 10th Street Columbia, Missouri (map)

Make a reservation to attend CoMo Preservation's 2nd Anniversary party - Cake & Cocktails - and to celebrate National Historic Preservation Month on May 28th at Cafe Berlin from 6:30-9PM! 

The National Historic Trust for Historic Preservation’s annual theme is “People Saving Places” to shine the spotlight on everyone doing the work of saving places in big ways and small.

CoMo Preservation's Cake & Cocktails anniversary celebration includes an overview of the exciting CoMo Preservation QR Code Launch initiative and a brief history of the Cafe Berlin space - its restoration and place in our vibrant community. The Brick & Mortar Quiz will test your knowledge of local architecture, CoMo history, and important local places past and present. 

CoMo Preservation is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit charitable organization. Our efforts are dedicated to education, advocacy and restoration to preserve Columbia's historic architecture. Preservation of historic places benefits everyone: Enriches the Community. Boosts the Economy. Conserves the Environment.

Education is the main driver of preserving the spaces and places we love. Join CoMo Preservation and become invested in Columbia's unique architecture, its history, and our sense of place. Your attendance helps CoMo Preservation provide free Walking Tours in Downtown Columbia and free monthly lectures at the public library. 

Walking Tours are free with a reservation and include: Movie Theaters Through Time, How to Build a Walking Tour, and Brick Streets Tour. A new Ghost Tour is in the planning stages to debut in Fall 2024!

Free monthly lectures are held in the Friends Room at the public library. Speakers have included: Stephen Bybee and his "Columbia at Night" photo exhibit, Verna Laboy's "An Evening with Annie Fisher," and June features an update on the African-American Heritage Trail by Barbra Horrell.

• Tickets to the party are free.
• Donations to assist with programming are appreciated.
• Reservations are required by May 20th as space is limited. 
• Cash bar • Light appetizers • Cake
• 50/50 Raffle
• Bricks & Mortar Quiz Prize

May 23

ATHENA International awards

June 1

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